When I went to start the Minivan o' War for the short trip back to the Nexus of Hate, I discovered a most unfortunate anomaly - the bottom half of my car key was missing! It had snapped off in the door lock. I was unaffected by this turn of events - I pulled out the spare and started the van. Not wanting to continue to operate with a single copy of the key, I drove first to Ace Hardware and then to Seacoast Lock and Safe - both of which close at 5 pm, which was right about the same time I snapped my key in half. I went home, pulled out my micro-screwdriver set, and used two of those tools to extract the bottom half of the key from the driver's side door. After that, it was back to Wal-Mart to have new spares cut.
I mentioned this three nights ago, but I must provide this picture of the coolest non-gift ever: