Matt Carberry (kingpin248) wrote,
Matt Carberry

en garde!

This post is dedicated to 3 Doors Down and The All-American Rejects - because after "seventeen days," my silence here "ends tonight."

I haven't written anything here because I've been kind of busy at work. Not necessarily doing more at work, but simply being at work more. We got through an important milestone in our time here on Tuesday, by successfully putting the Submersible Death Trap back into the water. We can thus move on to the next important things on the critical path to getting us back to Groton. When I get home after work, I have little drive to do more than crash out on the couch or right here in my chair. Not even this past Thursday's trip to Durham was worthy of an entry. Here's a quick summary: I got there at 9:00, and there was a line outside The Knot. When I left Scorpions at 11:15, there were sizable lines outside all three of the bars on Main Street; because there was barely any maneuvering room inside Scorps, I elected to check out.

Yesterday I was told a story that merits mention in this space. A car drives up to the checkpoint at a U. S. Naval shipyard. The driver, "Sailor X," is not of the legal age to consume alcohol. The one passenger, "Sailor Y," is less than a week past his twenty-first birthday, and has beer with him. The car is inspected, and Sailor Y is ordered to exit the car, with the beer, and walk back to the barracks. But it doesn't end there. The police follow Sailor Y as he walks. His command's duty van notices him and offers him a ride back to the barracks, which is accepted. The van doesn't even get ten yards further down the road when it's stopped, in order to confirm that everybody in the van is 21. For one, it's completely inane that an underage person can't even be in the car with alcoholic beverages, and for two, it's absurd that the shipyard's police went as far as they did with the surveillance.

The New York (Football) Giants will be playing in Super Bowl XLII one week from tonight, rematching against the (still undefeated) New England Patriots. I'm sticking with the pessimism that preceded the previous two playoff games; hopefully it'll work, but in all seriousness, these Pats may have too much for anyone to take them down. I was on watch when I heard the news of the Giants winning the NFC Championship Game; it took me over a minute to believe that it was real. If the Giants lose, I won't be nearly as disappointed as when they last made the Super Bowl seven years ago. In XXXV, we were expected to be competitive, but scored upon early and often. Nobody is giving the Giants a serious shot in this game. I'm fortunate to not have duty, and thus to be able to watch the game on our fifty-two inch "stadium window." I'm not planning on throwing a party for the game; I feel like Bill Simmons did prior to Super Bowl XX, in that I'll be "headed for Sports Fan War."

I did my taxes this afternoon, and for the second straight year, my Federal refund went down ($426 for 2007). This isn't really a bad thing at all; ideally, the refund should be as close to zero as possible. That way, I have all the money I'm supposed to have; I can make it do something, as opposed to it simply sitting in the United States Treasury. The uppercut came in the form of owing the state an additional $31. Not cool at all.

Two things on the upcoming docket: Kristen and the Noise at Parris in Boston this Saturday night, and Ready in 10 at The Peddler's Daughter in Nashua on February 8. I'm really looking forward to seeing both of these great bands.

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