Matt Carberry (kingpin248) wrote,
Matt Carberry

  • Location:

parting is...

...indeed sorrow, but NOT sweet at all. How could it be so when I'm about to drive back to the Submersible Death Trap?

At least I'm going to back to Connecticut with a fixed and inspected car. After a grueling twenty-six-plus hour ordeal, the Minivan o' War was returned to full strength. (And Harvard still sucks!) In addition to having the coolant leak fixed, a tie rod was replaced. The total came to about five-eighths of my birthday money. All things considered, it wasn't too bad, especially since this is the first real work I've had done on the car in over fifteen months.

Last night's dinner with Ryan was splendid. The burger lived up to his exhortations; the occasion was also notable for being the first time he's ever consumed alcohol in my presence. He was definitely buzzed by the time we left the Main Street Cafe, and we both needed the whole length of Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy to clear the influence of his wine and my beer. He's had a lot of interesting developments since I last saw him in person. Of course, since the issues in his life are still very much in play, I won't air his dirty laundry here.

So why does it suck so much to be leaving here (besides having to go back to work)? Take a look at these shots, and you'll understand:

On the other hand, I won't miss this:

That wasn't even the lowest price I saw - at one station, regular unleaded was a full twenty cents higher than at the place pictured above.

I expect a safe an uneventful trip back, and it's trip that'll be enhanced by the consumption of real, authentic White Castle along the way.
Tags: food, long island, minivan o' war, northport

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