Matt Carberry (kingpin248) wrote,
Matt Carberry

  • Music:

On the WVBR front...

It was a VBR night, between the dinner at the Chariot (food paid for by the station), and the training session. Our freshmen didn't turn out for the free pizza, which was kind of disappointing. But then was the training session. Four trainees, two of them are athletes. It was pretty good. And Andrew Luria, the baseball player, is really motivated. This could bode well for the station.

There is also a good probability that we'll be broadcasting the Cornell-Harvard women's basketball game on 22 February. We'd also be doing a practice cast of the Princeton game this Saturday night. the two home hockey games these nights are St. Lawrence (22nd) and Brown (2nd), so it's not a big deal missing those games. I'll still be on the CD by virtue of the Harvard presence. Doing the game should be very cool.

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