Matt Carberry (kingpin248) wrote,
Matt Carberry

Mr. Carberry, you are charged with sports bigamy in the third degree...

When the Cornell men's basketball team made its run into last year's Sweet Sixteen, someone decided to do a riff off of the tried and true "Chuck Norris Facts" gimmick, and created "Completely True Facts about Cornell's Ryan Wittman." It was well received. The initial deluge of "facts" slowed to a trickle in the following months, but there have been sporadic updates.

Well, about two weeks ago, and apparently without knowledge of the Wittman Facts list, the seeds of "Charles Jenkins Facts" were born. It started on Twitter, and eventually migrated over to a Facebook group. I chipped in a couple; I tweeted "the Egyptian protestors' demands: democracy, freedom, and Charles Jenkins," and posted "Charles Jenkins got an A+ in a Hofstra course"^ on the Facebook group. I didn't think much more of it, and have proceeded to enjoy many of the subsequent posts - especially those relating to Jimmer Fredette and the epic FB thread devoted to him.

All was well and good until Tuesday afternoon, when I was contacted by somebody who works for Hofstra athletics. They're grabbing a board and riding this wave; they're putting together a video with people reciting various facts. I was asked if I would record the "A+" quote. After giving it a brief bit of thought, I agreed. I know I'm going against my upbringing as a Cornell fan, but I figured this is a tiny thing. Notwithstanding the fact that Cornell basketball has reverted to the status it held when I was on the East Hill, the Big Red and the Flying Dutchmen won't face each other this year - in basketball, at least.

So this morning, I went to the Mack Sports and Exhibition Complex, and spent about fifteen minutes to record a five-second piece of video, because one camera died and the guy from Athletics had to go find another. I'll add the finished product here once it goes up. However it comes out, it has to be better than this pile of excrement that came out of George Mason. I may not ever go over to the Hofstra side fully, but I can at least pick up some of the bias and bitterness.

^ By Hofstra policy, and for reasons completely unknown to me, the University does not award the grade of "A+".

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