Work was, well, not anything special today. Nicole Zitarelli was in the store today, and she seemed to spend an inordinately long amount of time in there. I think she was asking Parker about note cards. I'll probably end up seeing half the graduating class and their parents tomorrow. I'm on for the full day, nine hours, 8:30 to 5:30. The dress shoes were hell though. Something has to be done about the aching of the feet. I mentioned in my last e-mail to my mom about getting one of those foot soaker devices. Maybe I should just get some Dr. Scholl's foot insoles or something. It would probably be a lot cheaper.
I got rid of the rest of my Snapple bottles today. This is a good thing, as I'm trying to off-load as much stuff as I can before the 31st, when I leave the centrally isolated city (that's Ithaca) temporarily. I still have all my Coke cans, from the entire semester. Thirteen cases worth (that's 156 cans). Worth a lot of money, no doubt, but also a pain in the ass to transport to any place where I could redeem them. I'm going to try to get some of them to P&C on Sunday, and maybe the rest on Monday. I kind of hope to have nearly all the Coca-Cola consumed by the end of the month.
I bought an interesting book at the store today. It's called "Good Sports: A History Of Cornell Athletics," by former CU Athletic Director and US Olympic Committee President Robert Kane. It has a lot of interesting information about the history of the Big Red, in just about every sport in which Cornell participates. The only drawback is that the book is ten years old. A lot has happened in the last ten years on the East Hill. Someone should write a supplement. I could probably do it, but there's a question of competing responsibilities. (If I take on a project under the auspices of Cornell University, it could jeopardize my relationship with WVBR, something that I'm not prepared to do.)
I think I've said my piece for this night. I think I'll try to get to bed now, considering that I intend to be up at 7:00 am tomorrow, given a report time to work of 8:15 or 8:20....