Thursday night I started to get a head cold. I also got quite drunk that night. The combination of these two things led me to awaken at 0330 Friday morning with a splitting headache. I ended up not getting up for good until 1645, and even then I managed to only be up for six hours, which was long enough to put two dinners into my stomach (not having eaten for twenty hours, it wasn't a hard task to eat two full meals). I elected to skip "Van Helsing" with my friends - which, as one of them just told me, was a good thing, since it was apparently a cheesy movie. Another friend of mine provided me with some Nyquil - not the actual stuff, it was the cheap NEX knockoff brand, which seemed to work better. I ended up sleeping another fourteen or fifteen hours, finally waking up about at 1500 today. Even this amount of sleep is unusual for me. Lengthier sleep then normal is not unwarranted, since the T-Track schedule has me working on essentially a 36-hour day, but to be sleeping for 19 or 20 hours at a time is weird.
The Cornell pep band's CD's are finally done! YAY! and only what, like, 27 months after they were recorded? One will soon be on its way to lovely Goose Creek.
There seems to be a lot of angst and depression on my friends page today so I won't add to that by talking about my security clearance situation.