Matt Carberry (kingpin248) wrote,
Matt Carberry

and so we continue...

I got a regrade on RP-4 - the number on that exam was bumped to a 3.93. That puts the overall at 3.8998 - I'm as close as you can be to a 3.9 without actually having it.

So this weekend I got to see some old friends, and hang out outside of school with some of my new ones. I saw hockey - real, live hockey, as the Stingrays home opener was Saturday night. The Red Sox took a 2-0 lead in the World Series (although everyone from Boston knows exactly how safe that lead is). but I did support St. Louis and its economy as well - by drinking over a gallon and a half of Budweiser. Yes, you read that correctly - two hundred and eight ounces, to be exact (over two nights). All in all it was a good time.

One test this week, ETRO-4. Then next week the second-half finals start, and the comprehensive exam is three weeks from tomorrow. Lots of points still on the table, and I'll be working hard all the way to take every one of them I can get.

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