Matt Carberry (kingpin248) wrote,
Matt Carberry

wheels in motion...

Stupid analogy of the day: my life is starting to resemble my Tetris game; the blocks are falling into place.

It would seem that I haven't mentioned it in the blog, so I should start this entry by simply stating the fact that I'm now less than a month from moving to Portsmouth, New Hampshire. At the end of June, Memphis will be changing homeport for an availability at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard (which is actually in Kittery, Maine). Yesterday, I secured a residence in Portsmouth. I had originally planned to live by myself, but just before I left Long Island last Wednesday, my friend Ray called and said things had fallen through with his prospective roommates, and asked if I'd be willing to room with him. Financially, it made complete sense to take him up on his offer, and so I did. I happened to get out of work particularly early yesterday, which enabled me to head up to New Hampshire with Ray to look at an apartment complex. We both agreed that we liked it, and signed a lease. I will actually be arriving in Portsmouth in advance of Memphis - I'll be getting there on 18 June, since I'm on the team that will be coordinating between the ship's crew and the shipyard.

Having a place is very advantageous to me, because it affords me the chance to spend more time on Long Island. Since the Navy is forcing this change of homeport on us, it is giving us time off for house-hunting. Since I already have a place, and I can't move into it until 9 June at the earliest, I really don't need to house-hunt, but I still get a week off (from the afternoon of 1 June to the evening of 7 June). Therefore, it's Long Island bound for me! I will have to do some furniture shopping, but other than that, it's rest and relaxation. I've already got the lineup for the weekend set - there should be a lot of good shows and a lot of good alcohol.

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