Matt Carberry (kingpin248) wrote,
Matt Carberry

tick, tock, tick, tock...

Last night, the main panel for monitor and control of the Submersible Death Trap's reactor was secured for a major upgrade; this is the largest maintenance item my division has for the entire availability. A little less than an hour ago, the contractors reached the first point at which ship's force involvement was required. I got down there, we waited to brief, we briefed, we walked through, and we started - only to find that the thing we were supposed to look at wasn't installed on the circuit card. So now we wait for circuit chips to be swapped from one card to another. As I said to my division Chief, "This is taking away quality Halo 3 playing time."

I'm not looking forward to losing my day off Saturday to support the panel retests. In any twenty-one day cycle, I have only two nights where I'm completely free - that is, I have that night off and no work the next day. These retests will take such a night (Friday night) from me. I have, however, found a something that helps: inside the cap of my water bottle, I have written "5/19/09", the day I'll be free of the Navy. So every time I take a drink of water, I'm reminded of the light at the end of the tunnel.

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